Elucidating the pathophysiology of human diseases is a primary focus of the Department of Pathology. Investigators in the Department of Pathology are systematically working to understand the biochemical and molecular basis of the etiology of several different disease processes. The primary research areas within the Department of Pathology are: Cancer Biology, Emerging Infectious Diseases, and Neurosciences.
Research, both basic and clinical, is a major activity in the Department of Pathology. Currently, Department of Pathology faculty members rank highly in regards to NIH peer reviewed funding. Collaborative research opportunities are available with researchers within Arizona Arthritis Center, Arizona Cancer Center, Bio5 Institute, Arizona Respiratory Center, Steele Children Research Center, and The Sarver Heart Center.
A major focus of clinical research in the Department continues to be the correlation of treatment responses and patient outcome with the pathological diagnosis of cancer. A major effort has recently been made to strengthen research programs in laboratory medicine with a focus on molecular diagnosis and infectious diseases.
The Department is home to many postdoctoral fellows and graduate students from several Ph.D. graduate programs. Many residents and clinical fellows are also engaged in laboratory research. We encourage residents to include research in their training.